Amazing Spider-Man 2 video game to feature ‘Hero or Menace’ morality system

Credit: Activision

We’re hearing more and more information about the forthcoming Amazing Spider-Man 2 video game from Activision.

Stephane Gravel, who is serving as Executive Producer, noted in a release that the game will feature a morality system that seems as though it will heighten the replay value of the game beyond that of a normal video game tie-in:

"“First and foremost, we think sandboxes work best when the player’s actions (or inaction) impact the game experience, so we’re introducing the Hero or Menace system, which rewards players who save citizens and keep crime rates down through side activities — with some potentially meaningful consequences for those who shirk Spider-Man’s responsibilities. And to make it more interesting, we’ve added new crimes to thwart, like arson and hostage rescue crises, while further developing the existing ones from the first game.”"

Look for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 to hit theaters on May 2 with the video game hitting game stores just before then in the spring. So far the Playstation 3 and Playstation 4 have been confirmed consoles to carry the game, with the Sony partnership playing a big role in the exclusivity.

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