As you all know the last few days have been all a-buzz with rumors about the next Batman: Arkham game. Now it seems that a title for the game may have been leaked. If sources are correct the next game from Rocksteady will be Batman: Arkham Kinght. According to Batman Arkham Knight was a web domain created last year along with Arkham Origins.
"Update 5:20pm EST: Well, that was fast. After our story ran, BleedingCool followed-up with a name to the mystery game: Batman: Arkham Knight. The news and rumor site gave the name definitively, and has been right several times in the past about what’s coming on the following day’s DC: All Access show.Batman: Arkham Knight was one of the domain names registered last year, according to GameInformer‘s list, alongside Arkham Origins. A quick check of the domain on shows that it was registered by the same agency as the past titles in the series, and that they updated the domain on December 10, 2013.More on Arkham Knight is expected tomorrow when the new episode goes live."
Only one more day until the supposed reveal and you can bet that I will have the news for you! Check Caped Crusades tomorrow for the big reveal.
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