Gwen Stacy’s future is ‘ominous’ in new Amazing Spider-Man 2 clip

Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) turns up late to Gwen Stacy’s graduation

Sony have released a new clip via the Daily Mail of Spider-Man, this time looking specifically at the growing, and strained relationship between Emma Stone’s Gwen Stacy and Andrew Garfields Peter Parker (remember these two are dating in real life). And honestly if I was worried about the character of Gwen before this clip, I’m really really worried now.

The clip shows Gwen at her college graduation waiting for Peter who is typically running late due to his responsibilites as Spider-Man, in particular facing down a Russian Mob (Paul Giamatti’s Rhino?) We’re then treated to small vignettes of Emma Stone, Andrew Garfield, Producer Avi Arad and Marvel creator Stan Lee, who all discuss the relationship between Spider-Man and Gwen.

Throughout the video you get a sense of the relationship between the two becoming more and more strained due to Peter Parker’s vigilantism as Spider-Man with Gwen saying the instantly quotable like “You’re Spider-Man and I love that … But I love Peter Parker more”. Pretty good line right?

Spider-Man proves his love to Gwen the only way he knows how. With webbing.

Also stated in the video is that Gwen is eager to move forward with her life and isn’t going to wait for Spider-Man, it looks like she has a promising career ahead of her and is going to be succesful. And from what it looks like she almost manages to walk away until a Spider-sized gesture wins her over again.

However all of this spells word out to me and that word is ‘Doomed’.  A woman with a promising life conflicted about her relationship with a superhero, which she could have stopped, who is about to find himself swamped with villains set on bringing Spidey down. If you ask me this all means that Stacy is a goner! Especially if  you pair this news with the hinted danger that was in the international trailer, and the fact that everyone knows that in the comics Gwen Stacey dies. No, it’s definitely not looking good for Emma Stone’s character.

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