Batman Links: The Making of an Arcade Game

Here’s a cool Batman-related story on the interwebs today. It comes courtesy of and its an impressively in-depth piece about the creation of a Batman arcade game.

From the article:

"If we made a lousy game and put the Batman emblem up, I think we could probably get a lot of first players just from people walking over to have a look. The difficult part is to get that second play. That’s what we’re really after; if we get that second play, then we’ve done our job.”"

I’m in my thirties now, so I was witness to the slow switch from the arcade cabinet being the standard for gaming, to taking a backseat to home-console gaming. To me, that’s a shame. There’s something communal about arcades. Building camaraderie, challenging newcomers, being in a room-in person-where everyone loves the same things you do. We’ve become more isolated with home gaming, and while there are still benefits to that scenario, arcades are an experience we shouldn’t forget.

This article does a great job of outlining the work and passion that goes into making a quality Batman game that’s worth spending the time playing. Since its a game that features the Batmobile in a way that seems similar to the upcoming Arkham Knight game, you Bat-gamers out there might find it very interesting.

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