Meet Your New Crusader!

Caped Crusades hasn’t been around long, but thanks to our audience and their love of The Bat, we’re already starting to expand our writing staff! This should ensure that the scope and reach of our coverage into the Batman universe will continue to grow.

To that end, Amanda and I are pleased to announce the addition of Jake Nelson to our staff roster! He’s a knowledgeable and experienced writer with an unabated love for Batman. I’ve known Jake for many years and I can personally vouch for his fanboy status. (We may or may not have dressed as Batman and Robin for the theatrical release of Batman Begins).

Just like all new staffers on our blog, Jake took a few minutes to answer a few questions so everyone can get to know him better.

So, how did you become a Batman fan?

Just like young Bruce Wayne, my passion for the caped crusader began when I was just a boy. Thankfully, my parents didn’t have to be murdered in front of me for that to happen…. In all honesty, I have always been an Marvel guy, growing up mostly on X-titles and Spidey. Batman, though one of the only DC titles I read, was always my favorite. I could come up with some flowery claptrap about his unerring passion for justice or his unbeatable combo of detective intellect and physical perfection, but I just thought he was so cool. And that simplistic childhood perception has remained to this day.

Where did you grow up and where do you currently live?

I grew up in the Kansas City, MO area. I currently live in Coralville, IA, right outside Iowa City, IA.

Who’s your favorite Batman character?

Other than Batman, of course… I would have to say Two-Face. Batman has always had the greatest gallery of rogues in all of comics and, though he may not be the biggest or baddest, Harvey Dent’s evolution into the scarred villain he has become stands as one of the most heartfelt and engaging of origins. He is glorious apologue of the battle between right and wrong, justice and chaos, and serves as an ideal mirror to Batman (along with the Joker and the Riddler).

What’s your favorite Batman creative team?

I grew up mostly on Denny O’Neil/Neil Adams and the early 90’s casts, but for me, Jeph Loeb/Tim Sale are my favorite. They never made the most inspired or technically brilliant books, but that team had such a myriad of qualities and a consistency that we rarely see. They made beautiful stories that captured the detective sensibilities of Batman, but also had the dramatic flair of great superheroics. They were dark and passionate, but also bold and kid friendly. They also had a knack of using ALL of Batman lore/characters and were able to add volumes to the mobster (Falcone) mythos of Gotham.

What’s your college/educational background?

I have a BA in Philosophy and Religion from Truman State University.

What do you do for a living?

I work at my local comic book shop.

What’s your family situation (wife, kids, etc.)?

I have a lovely and supportive wife and a needy but cherished corgi named Einstein.

What do you like to do for fun?

Obviously, I read comics. I am also a low-level cinephile and football nut. I rarely miss either a Chelsea FC football match or a Kansas City Chiefs football game.

What’s your favorite Batman moment – in any medium?

There are so many good ones, I have to cheat and give you two. For pure moment, I probably have to say Mr. Freeze’s heart-rending longing in the Batman: The Animated Series episode “Heart of Ice”. His sorrow is palpable and their creation of realistic and sympathetic villain was masterful. My favorite book moment would have to come from the Planetary/Batman:Night on Earth crossover one-shot. Planetary is my favorite comic of all time and then you pair them with all of these iterations of Batman through the years/universes: brilliant!

Great stuff. Totally agree with the Planetary love. Make sure you catch Jake’s posts here on Caped Crusades because he’s going to be a great addition!