Batman VS Superman Plays Chicken… and Loses

DC/Warner upped the ante when it moved Batman VS Superman into the same year (and possibly weekend) and an unannounced Marvel feature in May of 2016.

Well, they blinked. Instead of going head to head with its big comic and film rival, DC has reportedly agreed to move out of the standoffish position and into another weekend.

According to the Brazilian website, Warner Brothers Brazil has confirmed the release of the film to now be late April, the week before the previously stated May 6th spot. That means April 28th in Brazil (movie premiere on Thursdays on South America) and April 29th here in the States. 

That’s twice now that the powers that be have moved the release of this film. Quite frankly, both of the moves are concerning. The first was to address script issues and to take more time to prepare. The second seems like they are straight-up backing down from Marvel’s release – which may or may not be Dr. Strange.

In either event, DC isn’t sure everything is going well, OR they want to make sure they make fewer mistakes than they did with Man of Steel.

photo courtesy of