Spider-Man to die in Amazing Spider-Man 3?

Spider-Man getting beaten by Venom in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3

Most of you will know that Andrew Garfield, who has won many people over as Spider-Man, is only signed on for one more movie. With Amazing Spider-Man 4 pretty much announced and Sony stating they want a Spidey film every year, this means we have to face the very real prospect of a future Spider-Man film without Garfield behind the mask.

But how will the producers handle that if Garfield does in fact not sign on for any more movies? Will they simply recast the character of Peter Parker and act like nothing has happened. Will they bring in another character to take on the mantle of Spider-Man whilst Garfield’s Parker sneaks off into the distance leaving things open for a return. Or, will they do what I think they should do, and kill off Peter Parker.

Personally this will provide Mark Webb’s Amazing Spider-Man arc with the level of super-hero buzz that hasn’t yet been achieved on-screen. Just imagine a film that kills off Spider-Man, that actually follows through with the death of its titular character and sticks with it (For a while at least). Such an event would be huge.

The comic-books at the moment are in the midst of a storyline where Peter Parker is dead and Miles Morales is the current Spider-Man. Sony’s Spider-Man films could emulate this storyline and introduce a new character as everybody’s favourite neighbourhood Spider-Man whilst soaking in the world-wide furor that would come with axing Peter Parker on-screen.

It would also be the perfect way to say goodbye to Andrew Garfield (who should sign on for more movies to be honest, thus making this whole Spider-Man dying theory obsolete, but nevertheless)  and it’s a great chance to cement a truly iconic cinema super-villain, because up until this point almost every comic-book movie villain has been fairly lame, and no-one ever things they’re ever going to beat the hero.

Besides, if ratings go downhill afterwards, it’s the Marvel universe you can always find some convoluted way to bring him back to life! What do you guys think, should Sony kill-off Spider-Man, or at least Peter Parker?

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