Brian Michael Bendis confirms Spider-Men comic sequel
By Daniel Wood
A while back a five issue comic was released entitled Spider-Men which featured Peter Parker’s original Marvel Universe Spider-Man and Miles Morales’ Ultimate Universe Spider-Man working together. This comic would mark the first time two characters from the two seperate Marvel universes would cross-over.
At only five issues this comic was all too short and saw both Spider-Men grappling with a universe bending Mysterio. However good news comes to those who wait and very recently the writer of Spider-Men Brian Michael Bendis has promised fans that they will be seeing Miles and Peter teaming up again. The announcement was made via the ask me anything feature on on his tumblr page
Brian Michael Bendis announces green-light for Spider-Men sequel
So there you have it a Spider-Men sequel has been greenlit and will probably be out in the next couple of years or so (probably not that long, but I’m giving Bendis time, you know, I don’t want to be too impatient). No news as of yet for what to expect but it’s sure to be well worth a read!
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