A St. Paddy’s Day Tribute To Irish Super Heroes And Villains

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Super Heroes And Villains of Irish Descent

Captain America

Wait, what? Sure enough, Steve Rogers was born to Irish immigrants. And it’s a good thing too: if they had stayed in Ireland, he would never have received the Super-Soldier Serum and probably would have ended up with Shamrock’s good luck powers instead. That’s a win for Cap!

Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)

To paraphrase Adam Sandler, Kyle Rayner’s half-Irish — not too shabby! His mother even taught him Irish Gaelic, so he’s quite legit. Kyle grew from a spur of the moment pick to wield a Green Lantern ring into an important member of the mythos, so Irish people should be happy to have him in the club.


You know Matt Murdock has Irish heritage thanks to his recurring bouts of good old-fashioned Irish Catholic guilt. I feel comfortable saying that because while I’m not Irish, I am Catholic.

Ant-Man (Eric O’Grady)

This is just a guess since his last name is O’Grady. I know nothing about his past except that he must have bribed someone to become a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.


On the other hand, there’s no doubt about Tommy Monaghan’s Irish bona fides. Hailing from one of the rougher parts of Gotham City, it’s hard to pick which of his accomplishments was more impressive: giving Superman a pep talk or turning his genesis in the forgettable Bloodlines event into a 60-issue run in his own title. I’m leaning toward the latter.