Amazing Spider-Man 2
So, the trailer will be released at some point today. Lots of people are saying it’ll be out at 11pm which seems a bit late but nevertheless that’s apparently when it’s coming. But first we must content ourselves with the final two teaser posters for the trailer (I must have missed when a movie trailer became a cinematic event worthy of posters but recently with Game of Thrones, and now Amazing Spider-Man it seems that the trailer is a really big deal, who knew.)
First up the trifecta of villains is completed, we’ve had a Rhino poster, and we’ve had a Green Goblin poster. Now we have a Spider-Man vs Electro poster. We’ve seen a lot of Electro posters as he’s the main villain so there’s not a massive amount to say and nothing is particularly new.
Amazing Spider-Man 2 final trailer ‘2 day’ poster
And then we have the final poster which doesn’t feature a villain, so what exactly is on it? It’s a poster of Spider-Man on his own, because nothing is more exciting than that!
Yesterday’s final Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailer announcement poster
So there you have it. Those are the posters and the trailer will be released at some point today! Hopefully I’ll be around to get the trailer out to you guys as quickly as possible and to give my thoughts. So look forward to that Spider-Fans.
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