A leaked photo from the reported end-credit scene featuring Norman Osborn’s head in a box
Ever since that end-credit sequence aired in Amazing Spider-Man with a man mysteriously appearing from no-where to talk to an incarcerated Curt Connors. The very same mysteriously shadowed figure appears several times in trailers and images for Amazing Spider-Man 2 and seems to be very much involved in OsCorp and the imminent arrival of the Sinister Six, as well as Peter Parker’s father and Peter himself.
He’s been seen walking past chambers containing the arms of Doctor Octopus and the wings of Vulture, as well as appearing in that much-rumoured and apparently true sequence that shows him talking to the decapitated head of Norman Osborn. He’s also featured quite a lot in the new TV spot that heralds ‘A Sinister New Era’.
So who is he? He doesn’t seem to be Norman Osborn (unless something really quite odd is going on) but who else is there?
Quentin Beck – Mysterio
For me this is one of the more solid theories in terms of explaining how a mysterious man managed to get inside a locked jail cell. Mysterio’s expertise with special effects and trickery would be able to justify the ‘man in a locked room’ mystery. However the rest of his character doesn’t really coincide with what we’ve seen from the ‘Man in Shadows’ so far.
Richard Parker
Peter Parkers dad is also a strong theory for one reason in particular. That hat that we keep seeing the Man in Shadows wearing is seen in the prologue when Peter is trying to find out about his father on top of a broom. Also who else would care about Connors ‘telling the boy about his father’ than his father. This however brings up several questions as to what exactly Richard Parker is doing, why he faked his death, and what he’s doing around OsCorp?
Richard Parker
Michael Morbius – Morbius
So, Morbius was mentioned in the tie-in game as the one that carried on Connor’s work. We all know that Morbius’ dabbling with cross-genetics caused him to become the Living Vampire. However why he’d be stalking around Sinister Six weaponry and appearing from nowhere to question Connors about his father is beyond me. However there is a Morbius easter-egg on the Enemies Unite website that could hint at his appearance.
Jonathan Ohnn – Spot
This one would be incredibly random and just flat out bizarre, but Spider-Man villain Spot does possess the ability to pass through solid walls with his ability to create portals. But like Mysterio whilst the powers fit the identity doesn’t really do the Man in Shadows justice. Also the likelihood of Spot getting a cinematic appearance before Vulture, Hydro-Man and other more popular and prominent Spider-Villains.
Ezekiel Sims
The character’s backstory does seem to fit, especially this bit which is on his Wikipedia page – “He wanted to use his powers to be a hero, but initially used them to found a corporation, believing that he could not do anything without a base of operations, and swiftly became too busy to use his powers on a daily basis. When Spider-Man emerged, Ezekiel hired half a dozen independent private detectives to investigate Spider-Man’s life, allowing him to piece together who Spider-Man was from the various pieces of information they provided to him.” But would Marvel and Sony take a risk by having Ezekiel be behind everything?
Ezekiel Sims
But here’s who I think the Man in the Shadows is
Roderick Kingsley – Hobgoblin
Kingsley is a shady businessman and fashion designer who is obsessed with Norman Osborn, he discovers one of Osborn’s secret lairs and decides to adopt the legacy of the Green Goblin, becoming the Hobgoblin. This backstory could be adapted to make Kingsleys character fit into the Man in the Shadows narrative that we’ve seen. All you’d have to do is make Kingsley an employee of Osborn and it all kind of works.
So that’s the round-up for who the Man in the Shadows could be. My money’s on Roderick Kingsley, who will eventually become, or already is the Hobgoblin. But any of the theories (except perhaps the Spot) could prove to be right if/when Sony choose to reveal who their mysterious Man in the Shadows is.
What do you guys think. Do you think it’s one of the people I’ve mentioned or someone else? Comment below!
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