See Every Spider-Man In History Team Up For Spider-Verse

The recent Spider-Man teaser Marvel sent out picturing a bunch of web-shrouded figures alongside the Spidey we all know and love (check it out at our sister site, Whatever A Spider Can) and featuring the tagline “Every Single One” didn’t stay a secret for long.

Marvel revealed the full image today (click on the image above to explore it in its full-sized glory) and announced that it promotes a new story called “Spider-Verse” that will begin this November in Amazing Spider-Man #9. The villain Morlun returns with the aim of destroying every spider-powered hero in every universe, meaning that Peter Parker, Miguel O’Hara and Miles Morales will have to gather thousands of allies to help turn back this overwhelming threat. Yes, even Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham, apparently.

Editor Nick Lowe says that writer Dan Slott and artist Olivier Coipel are up to the challenge.

“The scope of this event is so big, the word ‘epic’ just doesn’t do it justice,” Lowe said in a press release. “The story is just huge and heartbreaking and has necessitated spreadsheets to organize all the Spider-Men. Luckily we have a writer who has proven time and time again he can thread impossible story-needles [Slott] and the most versatile character artist in the business [Coipel].”

We won’t even have to wait until the fall to get our first hints at how big the story will become. Marvel claims the first hints will drop in Amazing Spider-Man #1 in April, followed by a five-page lead-in story in the Guardians of the Galaxy Free Comic Book Day issue in May.

Clearly, “Spider-Verse” is a story that spider-fans won’t want to miss. Check out the variant cover to Amazing Spider-Man #9 below and its ominous collection of masks, and make sure to visit Whatever A Spider Can often for the latest on all things Spidey.