Close-up of Dane DeHaan’s Green Goblin

Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man Green Goblin

Above is a close-up head shot of Sam Raimi’s Green Goblin from Spider-Man. As you can see it’s a very different look to both the comic book version and the version that we’re getting from Dane DeHaan for Amazing Spider-Man 2. The reason why it’s there is because I want you guys to look at that version and then look at the newly released close-up of DeHaan’s Goblin which is just below this paragraph …. Literally just down there.

Dane DeHaan’s Green Goblin

As you can see the two Goblins are incredibly different. Willem Defoe’s villain was almost garish and caricature-like in his all green armour and helmet. Whilst DeHaan’s mutated and ill-looking appearing matched with the fact that we can see his face and his sadistic expression is nightmarish. I very much prefer DeHaan’s version over Defoe’s but how about you guys. Which Green Goblin is your favourite?

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