‘Every Single One’ comic teaser revealed to be the Spider-Verse

Marvel’s latest ‘Every Single One’ Spider-Man comic-book tease

Last week Marvel released a rather intriguing comic book tease for a future huge Spider-Man storyline. You can see the image above which basically shows classic Spider-Man surrounded by other figures silhouetted in webbing. I surmised that judging from the outline of the shapes and the teaser tag-line ‘every single one’ that this was the coming together of every single Spider-Man.

Well prominent Spider-Man writer of the moment Dan Slott revealed that the teaser image was indeed a coming together of every Spider-Man as everybody’s favourite neighbourhood superhero would find himself up against the totem eating villain Morlun and would need all of the help he could get. Here’s the image again with all of the Spider-Men unveiled.

Marvel’s Spider-Verse is unveiled

Marvel divulged the first details of what exactly that teaser was teasing with a “Next Big Thing” press call, headlined by “Amazing Spider-Man” writer Dan Slott and senior editor of the Spidey titles, Nick Lowe. Together the pair announced some of the details of what to expect in the latest ‘big’ Spider-Man story.

“This is every Spider-Man ever teaming up, or fighting each other,” Slott said, adding later that readers will definitely see some “spider-fights.” “Some won’t get along. It’s a Spider-Man story on a scale we have never seen before. Epic in its scope.”

“Olivier Coipel is chained to a table drawing as we speak,” Lowe said. “You can tell we’re serious about it, because he’s already working on it. It is incredible. It’s huge and mind-boggling.”

“The thing is, every Spider-Man ever wasn’t enough,” Slott added. “We’re bringing in even more. New ones that you’ve never seen before.”

Asked about the villain of Spider-Verse, Slott said: “It’s someone we haven’t seen in spider-titles in a while, but whenever they show up, you’re guaranteed a slobberknocker of epic proportions,” Slott said, then naming the villain: Morlun, who’s “part of an even bigger thing.” Lowe called Morlun the “initial antagonist” of the story.

Lowe discusses his affection for Morlun, who he calls a “top 10” Spidey villain. “He always kicks the crap out of Spider-Man, and Spider-Man, I feel like, is never closer to defeat than when he’s facing Morlun,” Lowe said. “This is the biggest Morlun story you’ve ever seen.”

Teasing the preview FCBD story, Slott said, “There has been a prophecy that every spider shall die.” “There is a spider-character in there that will give you a taste of Spider-Verse,” Lowe added.

So there you go, That’s something to definitely get excited about!

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