To kick off a year long celebration of Batman’s 75th anniversary, DC has announced Batman Month. Here’s a little from the article wrote to announce their plans for Batman Month:
"Yes, April is Batman Month here on Beginning on Monday (we’re getting started a little early), look for at least one cool Batman feature on our homepage and on With so much going on right now in Gotham, you never know what sort of features might show up, so you’re going to want to check back each day. You should also like the official Batman Facebook page, if you haven’t already. It’ll help you stay on top of everything as it breaks."
Read the full article, written by Tim Beedle, here. So who is excited to start celebrating 75 years of Batman? This girl! I can’t wait for tomorrow to see what DC Comics features first to start Batman Month. There’s already so much going on this year to celebrate Batman’s 75th anniversary and now we can expect a full month of Batman related articles and more from the site that brings us DC All Access! I would like to see some reviews of old Batman comics, maybe DC could even re-release some of them, like I heard they are doing with Detective Comics #27! With any luck we will b seeing some great all new Batman merchandise this year. Be sure to check back with Caped Crusades often to see what is happening during Batman Month.
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