Peter David Says The Dark Tower Comics Will Continue


Marvel’s comic book adaptation series of Stephen King’s The Dark Tower proved extremely popular. Even though it ran 60 issues, it didn’t come close to covering everything in the series of eight novels. Good thing too, because writer Peter David revealed at Emerald City Comicon over the weekend that the comics will continue, moving on to the second novel, The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three.

According to David, who scripted the first series with plots from King’s personal research assistant, Robin Furth, it was a visit from King in person where the two men bonded over their mutual medical mishaps that got the ball rolling on more adaptation comics. After the author proved enthusiastic about David’s desire to continue, all it apparently took was one call from the master of horror to Marvel and the project was on. Check out CBR’s re-telling of David’s story from the ECCC panel to get the full details, as I can’t do them justice here.

No word yet on whether or not the art team of Jae Lee and Richard Isanove will return, or if that’s even possible as Lee has been working for DC as of late. Regardless of who joins David on the creative team, this is good news for fans of King, David and anyone who appreciates the idea that good comics from one of the big two publishers don’t necessarily have to have super heroes in them.