Another close look at Green Goblin’s armour in Amazing Spider-Man 2

Green Goblin Glider

Close up of Green Goblin’s Armour

Sony have released another super interesting close-up of Dane DeHaan’s Green Goblin this time focussing on the top left of his arm. The armour is scaled in a similar fashion to the traditional Green Goblin from the comic-book albeit slightly more robotic. I’m also not entirely sure if there are enough OsCorp branding logos on the armour.

What do you guys think? We’ve also seen a close-up of Goblin’s face, Goblin’s pumpkin bomb wrist launcher and pumpkin bombs. I have to say that Green Goblin’s overall appearance so far is shaping up nicely and I’m relatively happy with the finished product. However there’s definitely still room for improvement for when Norman Osborn becomes the Green Goblin!

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