DC Comics is cranking up their Batman 75th Anniversary celebrations with a big influx of Bat-products. Take a look at some of what the publisher announced today:
"So, we have this hero that wears a lot of black and he’s celebrating a little anniversary this year. Seventy-five years… Ring any bells?Yes, of course we’re talking about Batman. We’ve been talking about Batman all month long here on DCComics.com, and for good reason. He’s one of the most popular characters in fiction. Not just in comic fiction—fiction period. Batman’s been around longer than most of us, and yet he’s more popular than ever. That’s why we’re having this 75th anniversary celebration.Of course, we’re big fans of Batman here at DC Collectibles, and we definitely wanted in on the action. Over the course of 2014, we’ll be releasing more Batman product than… well, possibly ever. Don’t believe us? Well, just look at the list of what’s to come:AVAILABLE APRIL 2014DC Comics Designer Series: Greg Capullo Batman Action FigureDC Comics Designer Series: Greg Capullo Nightwing Action FigureDC Comics Designer Series: Greg Capullo Talon Action FigureDC Comics Designer Series: Greg Capullo The Riddler Action FigureBatman: Arkham Asylum: Armored Batman StatueAVAILABLE JUNE 2014DC Comics – The New 52: Earth-2 Batman (Thomas Wayne) Action FigureAVAILABLE JULY 2014Batman: Arkham City: Clayface Deluxe Action FigureBatman: Arkham Asylum: Harley Quinn Statue1:1 Scale Batman Utility Belt Prop ReplicaBatman Black and White: Batman by Jae Lee StatueArkham Asylum Action Figure 4-Pack: Batman, The Joker, Scarecrow and Harley QuinnAVAILABLE AUGUST 2014DC Comics – The New 52: Earth-2 Batman (Bruce Wayne) Action FigureBatman: Arkham Origins Action Figure 3-Pack: The Joker as Red Hood, Deathstroke unmasked and CopperheadBatman Black and White: Harley Quinn by Bruce Timm Second Edition StatueInfinite Crisis: Pajama Party Harley Quinn Action FigureAVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 2014DC Comics – The New 52: Batgirl Action FigureDC Comics – The New 52: Nightwing Action FigureBatman: Arkham City: Mr. Freeze StatueLi’l Gotham Batman Action FigureLi’l Gotham Robin Action FigureLi’l Gotham The Joker Action FigureLi’l Gotham Harley Quinn Action FigureBatman: Arkham City Action Figure 4-Pack: Batman, Robin, Nightwing and Harley QuinnBatman Black and White: Zombie Batman by Neal Adams StatueDC Comics Super-Villains Harley Quinn BustAVAILABLE OCTOBER 2014DC Comics Designer Series: Greg Capullo Catwoman Action FigureDC Comics Designer Series: Greg Capullo Mr. Freeze Action FigureDC Comics Designer Series: Greg Capullo Red Hood Action FigureDC Comics Designer Series: Greg Capullo Batman Thrasher Armor Action FigureDC Comics Gotham City Garage: Catwoman StatueBatman 75th Anniversary Action Figure 4-Pack: Hush by Jim Lee, Batman Arkham Origins, New Frontier Darwyn Cooke and First Appearance by Bob KaneAVAILABLE FALL 2014Batman Wood FigureDC Comics Batman Dart Board SetSon of Batman: Batman Action FigureSon of Batman: Robin Action FigureSon of Batman: Deathstroke Action FigureSon of Batman: Nightwing Action FigureBatman The Animated Series: Catwoman Action FigureThe New Adventures of Batman: Mr. Freeze Action FigureThe New Adventures of Batman: Batman Action FigureThe New Adventures of Batman: Two-Face Action FigureBatman 75th Anniversary Action Figure 4-Pack: Batman: The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller, Justice by Alex Ross, Batman by Greg Capullo and Super-Friends Batman by Alex TothBatman Black and White: Batman by Dick SprangBatman Black and White: The Joker by Dick SprangBatman Black and White: Batman by Michael TurnerInfinite Crisis: Renaissance Batman Action FigureInfinite Crisis: Atomic Poison Ivy Action Figure"
Yowzah! That’s a boat load of new stuff. I suggest you clear some shelf space, Bat-fans! Check out the full gallery of toys right here.
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