Review of Legends of the Knight!

I just got home from watching the amazing documentary Legends of the Knight! First of all I want to thank the We are Batman people specifically Tricia Culp for my free press ticket, it meant a lot to me to see this documentary. I brought along my husband, and it was a nice way to round off his birthday. We bought his ticket of course because the proceeds go to Friends of kids with Cancer. Legends of the Knight is a moving documentary about how Batman, this character of modern folklore has positively impacted so many people’s lives and how we have changed him as well over the years.

There were several inspiring stories in the documentary including the story of Lenny B. Robinson, a real life millionaire who spends his own money to dress as Batman, drive the Batmobile and visit sick children in hospitals with small gifts and lots of encouraging words for the children and their families. Once he did this part time at his local hospitals in the Baltimore Maryland area, now he does this full time all over the country. Lenny actually reminds me of Batman in some ways; he’s a wealthy man who could spend his free time living it up and spending his money on only himself and family. Instead he uses his resources to make the world a better place, sound familiar?

Probably my favorite story in the Legends of Batman was that of the Petaluma Batman. Almost no one knows who is behind the mask but what we do know about him is pretty amazing. He’s a young junior college student, 19 at the time the film was made, (about two years ago I think) and he has taken it upon himself to patrol Petaluma, raise money for a local school or library, and showing his community that anyone can be a hero. Most people his age don’t think so altruistically, it’s so wonderful to see a young man doing his part to better his community even as he goes to college and works a job. Like Lenny he doesn’t get paid for dressing as Batman, he simply does it because Batman inspired him to be a hero.

Though Petaluma Batman’s story was my favorite I have to say the most moving story was that of Kye Sapp, the little boy who was diagnosed with leukemia at age 5. Kye used the story of Batman to give himself the strength and courage to fight his leukemia and never give up. What a brave little boy! Plenty of grown ups, put in the same position would not have his faith and determination. A Wish with Wings, an organization not unlike Make A Wish, gave Kye his wish to have a Batman adventure. Arlington made Kye Sapp their Batman at least a year before San Fransisco made Miles Scott Batkid. I’m pretty sure that if Legends of the Knight was still filming Miles’ story would have been included as well.

I only wish I had been able to interview someone who had worked on Legends of the Knight, that would have made my night perfect! It’s also too bad I didn’t realize that Dr. Travis Langley was a part of Legends of the Knight, I would have asked him about it when I interviewed him at Wizard World St. Louis.

I loved Legends of the Knight, and if it becomes available to own on DVD and Blu-Ray you can be sure I will be first in line to purchase it. I really recommend that every Batman fan see Legends of the Knight, and you can check out the website to see if there is going to be a showing in your area or to request a showing in your area. Every ticket sold goes to charity, and every showing benefits a different charity. Please support this awesome film and their philanthropic cause.

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