As the new, still untitled Batman vs. Superman movie starts filming, photos of Ben Affleck sporting the Frank Miller Batman look emerged with the Batmobile, and the Dark Knight’s car also got its own stand-alone photo. When I first heard Gal Gadot was cast as Wonder Woman, I thought it was the worst casting choice for the entire film. She then started to work out to make herself fit for the role, and it was around that time that I really decided that my DC comics fanboy would take over, just because nothing could stop me from seeing Henry Cavill back on the screen as Superman. Just recently, Henry Cavill himself posted a picture of Gadot as Diana Prince herself, coming out of an important looking building as seen in the photos below. Please excuse the blurriness as the pictures aren’t the best quality:
There might not be a whole lot to show in these photos, but to me it doesn’t seem like it’ll be too bad to have Gadot as Diana Prince. The real test will come when we get to see her in the full Wonder Woman costume. I also feel that this film may throw around Superman’s love interest between Diana and Lois. What do you think? Does she have the look? Tell us how you feel about it good or bad below! I’d love to hear from other fans!