Loki, Frost Giants Attack In New Disney Infinity Marvel Super Heroes Trailer


In case you needed any more reasons to be psyched for the upcoming Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes (2.0 Edition) release this fall, a new trailer was released today to show off the Avengers Play Set in more detail.

It looks like Loki will be the big bad, which is fitting considering he first brought the Avengers together in the comics and the movies. He’s got frost giants in tow, but all that means is that we get to see all six of the movie Avengers strut their stuff in some gameplay footage.

The trailer also mentions that you can use the super heroes in Toy Box mode (as you can with all Disney Infinity figures). And if you watch all the way to the end, you’ll see how Hulk  handles parking the Spider-Mobile. Oh yeah, they went there (sorry Spidey!).

Fall can’t get here soon enough.


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