Spinoff Online article about the former Harry Potter Spinoff Online article about the former Harry Potter

People Seem To Like The Idea Of Daniel Radcliffe As Robin


By “people,” I mean the commenters on this Spinoff Online article about the former Harry Potter telling Buzzfeed:

"I could be Robin, I’m perfect."

So not only could Daniel Radcliffe definitely be joking, we definitely are going on a very small sample size when we say fans are digging the idea. Still, you can’t deny that if Ben Affleck ends up playing the Dark Knight in a solo Batman film in 2019, which is the rumor currently making the rounds, Radcliffe would be an intriguing choice to play his sidekick.

The commenters’ choice for which Robin was Tim Drake, with a smaller contingent saying he could pull off Dick Grayson and even less suggesting Jason Todd. Radcliffe would be around 28 when the shooting began for any new Batman flick, but he’s a young-looking guy, and he could be cast as a Robin who is ready to graduate to becoming Red Robin or Nightwing since Affleck’s Batman is supposed to be in mid-career anyway.

I think I’ve just talked myself into thinking this could work. Would you like to see Radcliffe as Robin, someone lesser known in the role or no Boy Wonder at all? Hit the comments section and sound off.


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