Batman in Church: Batman Joke of the Day

Welcome back Caped Crusades readers, to another Batman Joke of the Day! I found this short little Batman joke on Pintrist, that I am calling Batman in church, and thought I would share it with my readers. Personally I think its so bad its good!

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Check it out here, at the top of a list of ten jokes that are so short they are funny. I love this joke, it actually made me laugh out loud, and my husband too when he asked me what I was laughing at and he saw it too. I love a good Batman joke, such as a play on words like today’s joke, Batman in church.

We want to hear from you! If you have any Batman jokes you’d like to see featured on Caped Crusades in Batman Joke of the Day, tell us about it in the comments below! Want more Batman? Download the app for more Batman news! Don’t forget to like Caped Crusades on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!