Batman Annual #13 in Batman Trivia of the Day!

Welcome Batman geeks and freaks, its time for another Batman Trivia of the Day! Last time I asked for the names of the voice actors who voiced Mister Freeze in Batman TAS and The Batman. I also asked for the creators of Mr. Zero, who was later changed to Mister Freeze. Michael Ansara voiced Mr. Freeze in Batman TAS and Clancy Brown voiced him in The Batman. Mr. Zero was created by Bob Kane, David Wood, and Sheldon Moldoff.

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Today’s trivia will focus on a new topic, Batman Annual #13 from 1989. Who wrote the stories for Batman Annual #13? Bonus points if you can answer What ad appeared on the back cover of Batman Annual #13?  This is a tough one as you probably have to own the comic or know someone who does to answer the bonus question.

Fun side note about this comic, my husband bought this for me as a wedding anniversary present and it is sealed in a protective case. I have never read it and probably never will, it was worth $50 when Eric bought it for me and hopefully it will be worth much more when our children eventually inherit it.

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