New Sin City Clip Features Jessica Alba Playing With Scissors

Remember when your parents told you never to play with scisssors? A new 30-second clip from Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, reminds us why.

Specifically, it shows Jessica Alba reprising her role as Nancy Callahan and seemingly losing her mind. For starters, she’s talking to Bruce Willis’ John Hartigan, and I’m pretty sure that dude is dead. Once she gets to chopping, not only are her long blonde locks gone, but her face is all cut up as well — though it classic Sin City fashion, her stitches appear to glow and pop right off the screen. Look for a brief appearance by Mickey Rourke as Marv right near the end.

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For is based on the Frank Miller limited series of the same name, as well as a couple of new segments that Miller wrote specifically for the film. Parts of it will take place both before and after the events of the first movie. It opens on August 22, returning multiple actors and actresses from its predecessor along with a star-studded group of newcomers like Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Josh Brolin, Ray Liotta, Jeremy Piven and Christopher Meloni.