Batman Eternal #14 Comic Book Review
Batman Eternal #14 Cover Art
Batman Eternal #14 is an important issue in this series, and, in fact, this issue is one of the best in terms of plot development, action, and the (for now) tying-up of at least one of our ongoing sub-plots. Before we get to the spoiler-specific pieces, here is the gist for a reader looking at this review trying to decide if this is a good book to buy and read: Yes, buy, it and read it. A couple of times. It is that good.
Pieces of this issue will prove significant as the storyline continues, both in terms of the Gang War sub-plot (see our earlier retrospective article on the first twelve issues of Batman Eternal), and the relationship between Jason Bard and Batman. And let us not forget the ongoing tribulations of ex-Commissioner Gordon and his moral dilemma inside of Blackgate Prison. Oh, yeah, and Arkham Asylum is having issues as well…
Batman Eternal #14 Credits Page with the Penguin
Yes, there are spoilers below, so watch out, or the Arkham Inmates will get you….
Batman Eternal #14
So, on with the Bat-Spoilers. One of the better aspects to this issue’s developments involve the total savagery of the Penguin. Not to get too detailed, but we get a glimpse as to how and why this fat, strange little man managed to survive a Gotham City full of homicidal maniacs, jokers, riddlers, and two-faced lawyers. This is the Penguin’s moment. And it is great. The only problem is that this reviewer cannot read the Penguin’s lines without hearing a slightly insane version of Burgess Meredith’s unique voice coming out of the comic book panels. Disturbing! The revelation that Gotham cop Jason Bard may not be all that he appears is also interesting. As is his rushed phone call to his…mother? Again, future issues should show more about this character who is clearly not the goody-two-shoes that he appears to be in public.
And then there is the slightly forsaken sub-plot involving the occult happenings at Arkham and the role of the Joker’s Daughter. Her appearance here is rather freaky, and we are left hanging as to what will happen to her soon-to-be-dead victim.
The sometimes dangling sub-plots of this series are starting to come together and to make more sense. Big things are occurring in Gotham, and we are getting to the meat of the story.
Batman Eternal #14 Cover Art
The art, by Jason Fabok, is good, (or at least a huge improvement over some of the artists from earlier in the series). His style adequately captures the ferocity of the Penguin as well as the insanity of the Joker’s Daughter and the fear we see in the faces of both her victim and the Penguin’s victim. Fabok’s style is well-suited to the insane nature of Batman’s foes and the at times chaotic nature of Gotham.
Buy Batman Eternal #14 and read it. It is good!