Stan Lee To Cameo In Age Of Ultron

Via Digital Spy, Stan Lee is confirmed to make a cameo in Avengers: Age of Ultron.  At the London Movies and Comic-Con press conference, Lee talked about shooting the cameo.  And in the same statement, he also revealed who he might be sharing the screen with:

"The movies have been great …  We have been so lucky. We’ve got the best directors, the best special effects people and wonderful actors … People that had not been big stars before like the fellow who plays Thor (Chris Hemsworth) – he’s wonderful! I was with him yesterday – I did my cameo of course."

Lee also went into how he felt about Marvel’s successes on the silver screen:

"All it can do is make it better for Marvel if we do these movies and the movies are successful. There are people reading Marvel comic books that would have never thought to read a comic book before … It helps the comic book business. The movie business has been unbelievably incredible. The Marvel movies are about the biggest money-making movies of all."

He later gave a suggestion on how he would make the DC universe of films better:

"DC could probably make a lot more money with Superman and Batman if they announced that I’d have a cameo in it! … People wouldn’t believe it – they’d have to go to the theatre to see it!"

Touché, Mr. Lee … Touché.

The next film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise will be Guardians of the Galaxy with a US release date of August 1, 2014.  Avengers: Age of Ultron is set for a North America release date of May 1, 2015.