Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy Fan Art

Greetings Batman fans, I’ve found another awesome piece of fan art for you today! Check out this sexy Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy fan art The artist in this case is Autumn Sacura, a member of Deviantart.com. She calls Harley and Ivy an almost cannon (cannon in this case is what fans who are into fanfiction and fan art call everything that happens within a fandom, in Batman, anything that happens in the movies, cartoons and comics is cannon) couple and she is right. I think all Batman fans are aware that Harley and Ivy are very close, and act like a couple when they are teaming up.

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I actually really like Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn as a couple so I’m a pretty big fan of this particular work of art. Even though they are criminals I think Harley and Ivy are good for each other, they are healthier together than they are apart. Teaming up with Ivy gets Harley away from her abusive relationship with the Joker. Their relationship is good for Ivy because it helps her to reconnect to her human side, making her mentally healthier and also less violent.

Autumn’s art is really awesome, so check out more of it on her Deviantart page! I love how well she captured these two characters with their unique dynamics.

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