As the title suggests, this book is the first of a four-issue miniseries called Deadpool vs. X-Force.
In case you are not aware, X-Force is the mutant team headed up by Cable (among other leaders in this team’s history), and, of course, Deadpool is the Merc with a Mouth. Deadpool and Cable are, in regular Marvel continuity, buddies. They once shared a mini-series together (Cable & Deadpool #1-50, from May, 2004 to April, 2008). In comics terms, they are partners, teammates … buds for life.
So why is the title of THIS book “Deadpool vs. X-Force,” with this version of X-Force on the cover clearly being led by Cable?
Deadpool vs. X-Force #1
As always, we try to avoid major spoilers (at least not without giving you warning) in our reviews. Here is your first warning: this is a time-travel story.
That is apparent in the first panel, so that is not a big spoiler. Some people love time-travel stories, and for some people, time-travel gives them a headache. We, here at Bam, Smack, Pow, LOVE time-travel, and when we combine going back in time with Deadpool, and his old buddy Nathan Dayspring Summers (AKA Cable), we have the fixings for a fun romp of a story.
One of the fun pieces of a comic-book time-travel yarn is that what happens in the past should stay in the past. In other words, this could very be the same as a “What If…?” or “Elseworlds” book in which whatever Deadpool, Cable and X-Force do in the past does not necessarily have to impact the ongoing Marvel Universe continuity.
Time-Travelling Spoilers beyond this point…
The point is made in the book that since the events of yesteryear (as in, where/when Deadpool and company go to get into trouble), are prior to the events of New Mutants #98 (the famous first appearance of Deadpool), where our gnarly Merc with a Mouth, Wade Wilson, first meets up with his future BFF, Cable. Confused? Good, ’cause that is how Deadpool rolls! Seriously, this is part of the fun in these time-travel stories; all the crazy convoluted chronological contortions caused by cretins like Deadpool, who go around playing in the time/space continuum and start mucking things up.
The point is, we enjoyed this book and we hope you will also. Go buy it at your local comic shop if you like Deadpool, Cable, and/or Time-Travel (oh, yeah, or if you like X-Force). Check out our review of Issue #2 while you are at it…
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