Batman Morning News Round Up

Welcome back readers, to another morning of Batman news! It’s time for Caped Crusades Batman Morning News Round Up where we bring you fascinating articles of Batman related news!

You should see these videos done by DC Universe Online, highlighting the creation of Batman! Here is the first in the series:

See the full series of videos on, and read this article about the videos by Eliot Lefebvre on

More from Features

USA Today is having a Batman Day prize Giveaway! Whitney Matheson has written an article reporting on the USA Today giveaway:

This week I’m offering a Batman Day giveaway. Two Pop Candy readers will receive the following items that also will be available Wednesday:

– A special edition of Detective Comics #27. The book, which re-imagines Batman’s 1939 comic book debut, is designed by Chip Kidd and written by Brad Meltzer. (These guys are longtime friends of Pop Candy, too!)

– Four Batman Day masks that represent the hero in four eras: when he first appeared, was portrayed by Adam West in the ’60s, was drawn/written by Frank Miller and appeared in the New 52 series (as drawn by Greg Capullo).

– A Batman Day cape.

Finally, here’s the biggest item of them all: Winners also will receive this lovely Batman Arkham City Catwoman statue.

Be sure to read Whitney’s full article to find out how to enter for a chance to win the giveaway!

DC All Access talks to artist Jim Lee about his preparations for Comic Con in this latest video:

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