Robert Downey Jr. Saying Yes To Iron Man 4?

After Avengers: Age of Ultron, one of the biggest questions on people’s minds will be this: is there a chance we’ll see another movie that solely headlines our favorite red-and-gold Shellhead?  Marvel’s answer to that question is that Iron Man, like James Bond, will always be popular and hip.  But if they do have a fourth Iron Man movie, will the franchise stick with the actor that has made the character his own?

Entertainment Weekly was able to talk to Robert Downey Jr. recently on a visit to the set of Age of Ultron.  And they got some answers that point to a high likelihood that we’ll be seeing those repulsor-beams on his hands at least one more time:

"It’s down to Kevin [Feige, Marvel Studios president] and Ike [Perlmutter, CEO of Marvel Entertainment] and Disney to come to us with what the proposal is, and that’s on us to agree or disagree … When things are going great, there’s a lot of agreement … Right now, this has just been swell, hasn’t it? … This has been a really good one and it feels good and we’re having a good time."

Downey then jokingly talked about his good fortune with the Iron Man role:

"It’s that thing of: why give up the belt when it feels like you can barely get jabbed? … Most people are saying that right when they get knocked out … [Shrugs] The future is, as usual, uncertain."

If there is an Iron Man 4, it would be completely insane and ludicrous for Marvel Studios to not have Downey as Tony Stark.  Any other actor in the role will forever be compared to him.

Personally, I’m getting the hint that perhaps both Marvel and Downey are in a ruse together.  What is this ruse?  You might ask.  It’s the ruse of stirring the fans up to garner interest and add a bit of suspense to the unsure future of the Iron Man franchise.  We all know that they know they have a good thing going.  Going off of that notion, I can say that this article seems to have been suspiciously released just a few days before Comic-Con International.  Will Marvel and Downey be making a surprise announcement to the fans soon?