SDCC 2014: Get A Month Of Marvel Unlimited For 99 Cents

In conjunction with Comic-Con, Marvel is offering a month of its Marvel Unlimited digital comics service at a tantalizing price once again.

Anyone who enters the promo code “SDCC14” through July 29 at 11:59 pm Eastern time can get a month of Marvel Unlimited for just 99 cents, a big discount from its normal price of $9.99 a month or $69 to commit for a whole year. The service grants access to a library of over 15,000 issues from throughout the company’s history, though it lacks new releases. Issues of current titles generally get added to Marvel Unlimited after they’ve been out for a few months.

I did a semi-regular feature earlier this year detailing what I read while taking advantage of a similar offer, and even though I didn’t find time to read stuff every day, it turned out to be a terrific way to get caught up on famous stories I’d never read and favorites I just didn’t feel like fishing out of longboxes. I had a few hiccups with the app not recognizing me when re-opening it after long idle periods, but it was never anything that logging out and back in failed to fix.

In any case, if you ever wanted to give Marvel Unlimited a try, this is the time. I’d say wait until all the SDCC craziness is over, spend the buck and see what you think.