Batman Trivia: Jim Lee

Greetings Caped Crusades readers! I’ve got another Batman Trivia of the Day for you! Last time I asked readers how old Jerry Robinson was when he started working with Bob Kane and Bill Finger on the Batman comics. Sherrill David Robinson, known as Jerry Robinson, was 17 years old when he started working with Finger and Kane.

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Shout out to Caped Crusades reader Corvo who once again has commented with the correct answer to a Trivia of the Day question! Okay folks since my last two trivia questions were about a big name in the Batman community I thought that I would theme today’s question about another major player in the Batman community, Jim Lee! What was the first Batman title Jim Lee worked on and how old was he?

We want to hear from you! If you know the answer to today’s trivia question tell us in the comments! Tell us what you think of Trivia of the Day. If you have a topic you would like to see covered in Trivia of the Day leave us a comment. Want more Batman? Download the Fansided app for more Batman news. Don’t forget to Like Caped Crusades on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!

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