Caped Crusades Batman Day Contest Winner!

Caped Crusades wishes to congratulate the winner of our Batman Day contest for a one of a kind Caped Crusades T-shirt, Lauren Haley! Lauren Haley writes for the Aiken Standard a small local news paper in Aiken County SC. Here’s the comment she left for the competition:

"I wrote (and designed) the entire front page of my newspaper’s ‘Living the Go’ (aka Lifestyle) section on Sat the 19th, and I still didn’t have enough room to really dig into how awesome Batman is."

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Thank you to everyone who entered our Batman Day contest, we greatly appreciate your participation and had a great time reading everyone’s comments explaining why they love Batman! I hope everyone had a great Batman Day and thanks for reading Caped Crusades!

We want to hear from you! Want more Batman? Download the app for more Batman news! Don’t forget to like Caped Crusades on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!

Really love Batman? Caped Crusades is always looking for volunteer writers! Leave us a comment, email me at, and apply on!