SDCC 2014: Description Of Dawn Of Justice Teaser

UPDATE 4: We had to remove the pics from our earlier updates at the request of Warner Bros.

UPDATE 3: I was lucky enough tonight to catch an uploaded fan-captured video of the teaser before they were forced to take it down.  I’m going to update my scene description to accurately reflect what I saw.  The videos are being taken down as soon as they’re being uploaded.  Probably due to WB/DC sending out cease and desist requests.  Anyways, scroll down to read what I finally got to experience.

UPDATE 2: A series of shots captured by a fan which illustrates the start of the confrontation …

UPDATE 1: I found a low quality still-shot of Batman in the Dawn of Justice teaser captured by a zealous fan …

By now, every single fan out there has probably magnified, dissected, and scrutinized every last detail of the image showing Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.  But a big chunk of what Warner Brothers in Hall H gave the audience has not been seen by non-attendees yet — the teaser for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Trust me, I’ve been scouring every single source out there trying to find anything I can — shaky phone camera captures, grainy footage, still-shots — anything!  I got “Rick-rolled” three times already!  That’s how much I love you Bam Smack Pow-ers!  The closest and most faithful thing I can give you right now is a description of the Dawn of Justice teaser.

In order to get the most accurate “view”, I culled multiple big-name sites that sent attendees into Hall H.  So, here’s the most fleshed out description of the Dawn of Justice teaser I can create (NOTE: My screenwriting skills had to really come into play here, so I hope I gave you guys what you needed to replay this in your “mental theater.”):

"TOTAL DARKNESS[Heavy drums produce war-like background music.]LIGHTENING suddenly illuminates the scene.  It’s…EXT. GOTHAM CITY – NIGHTThe RAIN POURS with continuous THUNDER and LIGHTENING.BATMAN ON A BUILDING ROOFTOPIn BIG BULKY MECHANICAL ARMOR that closely resembles the suit from THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS.  EYE LENSES from his helmet GLOW WHITE.He rips the tarp off a SPOTLIGHT.His HAND pulls down on the LEVER.The SPOTLIGHT SPARKS and HUMS to LIFE.THE BAT SIGNAL BEAMS INTO THE VIOLENT NIGHT SKY.  The bat emblem of the signal is BIG and BEEFY.  Reminiscent of Frank Miller’s design.Another FLASH OF LIGHTENING washes over the signal and shows the silhouette of…SUPERMAN IN THE NIGHT SKYFloating.  Right in the MIDDLE of the SIGNAL.LIGHTENING strikes.  THUNDER rolls again.  Superman illuminated a little bit better.SUPERMANStares at Batman.  Arms to his sides.  Fists clenched.  Eyes start to GLOW a fiery RED.  Preps for heat vision.BATMANCRACKS OF LIGHTENING illuminate his FACE.EYES continuing to GLOW INTENSELY.  Turning towards the sky.  Grinning slyly.  Reciprocates the stare back at Superman and we…CUT TO BLACKA GLOW of RED and the SUPERMAN EMBLEM appears.  It quickly dims and the glowing outline of the BATMAN EMBLEM emerges in the back forming…THE BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE LOGO"

The teaser has been described by viewers as “awesome” and “amazing.”  I wish I could give you more … as in YouTube more.  But for now, that’s the best I can come up with as a non-attendee.  What do you guys think?  I’m looking for any and all inputs.  So, please voice your thoughts in the comments section.  On an ending note, the child in me would like to say “I told you so!” in regards to Warner Brothers definitely surprising us.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has a worldwide release date of May 6, 2016.  It will be directed by Zack Snyder, written by Chris Terrio from a story by David Goyer and Zack Snyder, and will star Henry Cavill as Clark Kent / Superman, Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne / Batman, Gal Gadot as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, and Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth.