Batman 75 celebration at Kansas City Comic Shop

I found a neat little article about a Batman 75 celebration this Saturday at a Kansas City comic shop, in The Kansas City Star, written by Dugan Arnett.

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"To honor the 75th anniversary of “Batman,” William Binderup invited anyone and everyone to his Overland Park comic book shop to enjoy everything Caped Crusader. He asked local artists to come by and set up booths, he got a DJ, and he highlighted the day with a gathering for the largest-ever photo of Batman mask-wearing individuals.Read more here:"

Make sure you read Dugan’s full article on, here. It sounds like quite a fun celebration, it would have been nice to find a local comic shop in my area with a Batman Day celebration I could have gone to. I did get a copy of the free Batman Day Detective Comics #27, but the bookstore I got it from was not participating in Batman Day beyond passing out the Detective Comics #27.

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