Don’t Forget To Check For Comic-Con Exclusives Online

So you didn’t get to go to San Diego, and all that sweet, sweet swag from Comic-Con International slipped through your fingers. That’s a bummer.

However, all is not lost. While the coolest free stuff like the Avengers: Age of Ultron teaser posters might only be available by going the eBay route, some of the show exclusives that people had to buy are now popping up in limited quantities online.

It’s the way companies get rid of everything they didn’t move in San Diego, and while the hottest items are probably gone, there’s still some cool comic-related merchandise you can find if you look around. For instance, Action Figure Express has its SDCC 2014 Flashpoint Batman and Reverse Flash Busts and Spider Woman Metallic Paint Bishoujo Statue both for sale in its online shop.

Big Bad Toy Store has some items still available if you just enter “SDCC 2014” into its search box. Similarly, Entertainment Earth is taking pre-orders for some of its convention exclusives that didn’t sell out, with the items scheduled to ship in August.

The point is that while you may have missed out on the Comic-Con experience, you didn’t necessarily miss out on all the stuff. It’s not a substitute for being there, but it’s a nice consolation prize, so be sure to check your favorite sellers over the next few weeks.