DC All Access: More from San Diego Comic Con

It’s Tuesday and you know what that means, more DC All Access! Even though Comic Con is over DC All Access will still be bringing us more news from Comic Con all week!

Here’s what dccomics.com had to say about this latest episode of DC All Access from San Diego Comic Con:

More from Features

"You can spend four days at San Diego Comic-Con…or you can just jump to the good stuff. In this exclusive DC All Access Comic-Con clip, Tiffany and Blair showcase some highlights from SDCC including Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’s Wonder Woman reveal, Oliver’s future with Felicity on Arrow, Tetsuya Nomura’s original take on Batman and much, much more."

Be sure to check back with Caped Crusades all this week as we keep you up to date on all the latest DC All Access Comic Con videos and all the latest Batman news!

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