Yesterday I wrote about a Time Square performer dressed as Spider-Man, who was caught on film brawling with the NYPD and punching one of the officers. Any ordinary person in that position would naturally expect that their Spider-Man web-slinging days are over, however Junior Bishop is fully committed to returning to Times Square to fight crime as Spider-Man once more.
Apparently Bishop, who was bailed out of jail Tuesday night, is going to lay low before donning his Spidey suit according to comments from an anonymous friend dressed as Batman given to the nypost. Batman said, “He’s not going to return as a character for at least two or three months.” Batman then went on to suggest that Bishop was looking for work as a temporary tour guide or cook.
Well, it’s not like the actual Spider-Man hasn’t made mistakes. It’s all okay as long as he remembers that with great power comes great responsibility.
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