Junior Bishop is back, not only did he totally punch a police officer, only to get released with plans to become Spider-Man once more. His actions were even the straw that broke the camels back leading to the New York Mayor asking for a crackdown on costumed characters and a potential permit to better regulate them. This has consequently brought up the debate about whether or not New York and Times Square need Spider-Man … (and Elmo, Batman and Superman)?
Bishop certainly thinks so as he tells the nypost “I watched ’Spider-Man’ and ‘Batman’ as a kid. I was more into the cartoons of Spider-Man,” He went on to add ““We make Times Square what it is. Without us Times Square is not Times Square. People come to see the characters.” Whilst I think that the notion of people flocking to Times Square to see the characters is not even remotely the case, I do agree that street performers are a small part of what makes Times Square good.
Bishop adds “It’s fun for people to come out. People come to see us, the kids come to see us. They’re smiling. They run and give me a hug, it’s all positive.” And I guess he’s right, it’s all a bit of harmless fun until an officer of the law gets punched and a member of the public gets harrassed.
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