We at Caped Crusades are proud to introduce the newest member of the Bat-Family of Bloggers, Jasmine Jobe!
I’ve had the pleasure to know Jasmine for nearly 20 years now and I know first hand that her perspective will be a fresh, articulate one.
Just like all new staffers on our blog, Jasmine took a few minutes to answer a few questions so everyone can get to know her better.
"Where did you grow up and where do you currently live?I grew up all over SoCal, HI, & MO. Currently in Little Rock, AR.Who’s your favorite Batman character?It’s hard to beat Michele Pfifer’s Catwoman.What’s your favorite Batman creative team?The team that brought us Batman Beyond did a lot to refresh old ideas.What’s your college/educational background?I have a Bachelor’s in creative writing and I’m working on my MFA.What do you do for a living?I’m an editorial asst for an online academic resource.What do you like to do for fun?I like to dye my hair rainbow colors.What’s your favorite Batman moment – in any medium?Christopher Nolan’s explanation of how Batman is more than a man, he’s a symbol. That gave me chills. You can’t kill an idea."
Excellent! No word, however, if she’s ever danced with the Devil by the pale moonlight.
Welcome aboard, Jasmine!
We want to hear from you! As always leave us your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!
Really love Batman? Caped Crusades is always looking for volunteer writers! Leave us a comment, email me at capedcrusades@gmail.com, or apply on Fansided.com!