We here at Caped Crusades are proud to introduce to you yet another new Crusader joining our team! Wow two in one day that’s a pretty big deal for us! As co-editor of the site I am happy to introduce my readers to Tyler West, the latest edition to our Batman loving family! As we do with all our new writers, we asked Tyler to take a few moments and answer a list of questions that will allow our readers a chance to better get to know him. Here are his answers:
Where did you grow up and where do you currently live?
I grew up in Chillicothe, Ohio. It’s a small town about an hour south of Columbus. I still live there.
Who’s your favorite Batman character?
Besides Batman, I would have to say Robin. I love the history of the character, the importance he plays to Batman. Not too often in comics do you see a main character change so much as Robin does
What’s your favorite Batman creative team?
I have to go with Peter Tomasi/Patrick Gleason/Mick Gray on the New 52’s Batman and Robin. It is the best display of character development for Bruce I’ve ever read.
What’s your college/educational background?
I went to college for two years majoring in education. I realized it wasn’t for me.
What do you do for a living?
I work full time in the meat department at Walmart.
What do you like to do for fun?
I enjoy reading comics and writing. I’m a huge sports fan so I write for unionandblue.com, a Fansided blog about the Columbus Blue Jackets.
What’s your favorite Batman moment – in any medium?
That’s an excellent question. My favorite Batman moment would be issue 18 of Batman and Robin, the Robin requiem issue. It is the single greatest issue of comics I’ve ever read. No dialogue, just gut-wrenching emotion from Batman after the death of Robin.
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Really love Batman? Caped Crusades is always looking for volunteer writers! Leave us a comment, email me at chrisman_amanda@yahoo.com, and apply on Fansided.com!