A lot of you probably know this already, but consider this a public service announcement for anyone who hadn’t thought to look for it or were confused by the Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack album that contained the orchestral score: Star-Lord’s Awesome Mix, Vol. 1, is available for sale wherever you buy your music.
And apparently plenty of people have found it already, as the album currently sits at number one on the iTunes Albums Chart. It features 11 songs from the movie, plus Norman Greenbaum’s “Spirit in the Sky,” which was only used in one of the early trailers.
Imagine the surprise Elvin Bishop and Rupert Holmes are going to feel the next time they get their royalty checks. As for what might be on the Awesome Mix, Vol. 2 mixtape that Peter’s mom left for him, we may have to wait until the sequel to find out for sure what’s on it, but that didn’t stop Entertainment Weekly from giving it an educated guess, picking out 18 tracks that could hypothetically keep the nostalgia party going.