From The Wrap, we have news of another villain being added to The CW’s highly anticipated new show The Flash. Anthony “Tony” Woodward, a.k.a. supervillain Girder, will be up against the Scarlet Speedster when October rolls around. The literal “man of steel” baddie will be making his first appearance in the series’ sixth episode.
In the comics, Tony Woodward, a steel plant worker, incites a riot after he assaults a fellow employee. His infuriated co-workers throw Tony into a vat of molten steel that is tainted with debris from S.T.A.R. Labs’ waste. The chemically enhanced molten liquid transforms Tony’s body into a type of organic metal and he gains superhuman strength along with being impervious to harm. His only weakness (they all have one of course) is that when he’s oxygenated, his body will rust. Using his abilities for crime, Tony, now known as Girder, is eventually arrested for robbery and sent to Iron Heights.
Girder later escapes from Iron Heights and allies himself with Blacksmith and the Rogues. Magneta, a Rogue and childhood friend of Wally West, uses her magnetic abilities to make Girder rust-proof. Developing an attraction towards Magneta, Girder forces himself on her — but she rips him in half. After having his body welded back together, Girder is sent back to prison.
The part of Girder has not been cast yet, but Screen Rant was able to get hold of a casting call notice and it describes the character as:
"… a grinning lunkhead who loves destruction [and an] unstoppable force… who can transmute any part of his body into solid steel."
The CW will premiere The Flash on Tuesday, October 7, 2014 at 8:00PM EST.