Good morning, Bat-fans! Here’s a round-up of Batman news that you may have missed!
"DC Announces ‘Gotham by Midnight’ Spinoff!DC has announced a spinoff of their uber-popular Batman Eternal with Gotham by Midnight, starring The Spectre! Does Batman Have The Authority To Kill Joker?The relationship of Batman and Joker progresses in complexity with every new writer. Joker’s psychology and Batman’s personality clash, resulting in a battle of the minds as well as a physical battle, and more than a few casualties. As The Dark Knight’s joker said, “we’re bound to do this forever.”*editor’s note: A great read from our new Crusader, Tyler West! Jason Momoa *Finally* Announced as Aquaman in ‘Batman v Superman’In a move that surprises no one, Jason Momoa has been announced as Aquaman inBatman v Superman. After losing out to Bautista for the role of Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy, he’s finally broken into the superhero game."
There’s a taste of yesterdays news! Check Caped Crusades for yesterday’s trivia, fan art, and more!
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