Batman Forever Poster in Batman Fan Art of the Day

Welcome Batman fans its time for another Batman Fan Art of the Day! I have this great fan made Batman Forever Poster to share with fans today.

The artist, a deviantart member Rodolfo Reyes, describes this piece as minimalistic and art deco, personally it makes me think of world’s fair posters, and I think its great.You can see more art from Rodolfo on his deviant page, and here is the link to the full line of art deco posters Rodolfo has done. You can also check out more art from Rodolfo on Tumblr. This poster reminds me very much of the worlds fair scenes in Batman and the Mask of the Phantasm, I think if DC wanted to have a display at a worlds fair they would have posters like this one. Even though I’m usually really into detail work in my favorite fan art, I do find that I have a special place in my heart for the minimalistic style of art, as evident in how often I feature something from my friend Michelle Benz.

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