Review of James Cameron’s Spider-Man film scripts
By Daniel Wood
For those of you who didn’t know Avatar Director James Cameron almost helmed a Spider-Man film. Yes that’s right! The Titanic director was so close to making a Spider-Man film that he even had a script pretty much written up. Personally I would have loved to see a James Cameron helemd Spider-Man film, but you guys should form your own opinions after seeing this review of two of the original James Cameron scripts courtesy of
Here’s just a small extract from the article, written by Mad Goblin detailing some of the things that were set to happen in the Cameron Spidey film
"Peter catches Flash slapping Mary Jane. Later that night, masked (but not as Spider-Man), Peter literally beats the daylights out of Flash, including slamming him into his Porsche until the jock is almost unconscience. He then rips a signpost out of the ground and pounds the car into junk. Although a bit shocking in its brutality (and something the highly moralistic Spider-Man of the comics might object to), it is entirely in character for a frustrated 17 year old boy and no doubt would bring the audience to its feet."
"Spider-Man becomes the hero of the disenfranchised. Naturally, with the cops pursuing him, the neighborhoods in which he is responsible for running out the drug dealers and other scumbags treat him like a hero, and cheer whenever they see their “friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.” All of the minority groups believe him to be one of their own."
"When Spider-Man seduces Mary Jane (an old comic book convention – the heroine loving the hero but having little to do with the man beneath the mask), it is actually quite…interesting. Having studied spiders for his class project (in order to learn more about himself), he initiates a mating ritual I don’t want to get into here."
"The more Peter becomes Spider-Man, the more he has a crisis of faith as he begins to realize that the line between good and evil is blurred, and there are many situations a well-intentioned crime fighter can’t simply jump into and solve. This is driven home when he learns that many of the thieves he runs into are kids, just like himself."
To see the full article just click on this blue highlighted section here. Otherwise known as a link.
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