Unless you’ve just crawled out from under the world’s largest rock — and you don’t participate in any social media, where it’s been running rampant as of late — you already know all about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. For those of you under said rocks, it’s a viral challenge that spreads from one person to others they nominate, and the way it’s supposed to work is that once challenged, the nominees have 24 hours to dump ice water on themselves (filming the results, which is part of the reason the challenge has spread like crazy) and donate $10 to the ALS Association or skip the ice bath and donate $100.
It’s working amazingly well, as the ALS Association has received $15.6 million in donations between July 29 and August 18 after taking in just $1.8 million over the same period last year. The trick is that after so many videos, it’s hard to come up with a unique take at this point.
Leave it to the legendary Star-Lord to figure out a way. Guardians of the Galaxy‘s Chris Pratt, who says he’s been challenged twice, tries to substitute a different kind of ice for his challenge video, but he still ends up taking a bath:
Among the people Pratt challenges are his Guardians of the Galaxy co-star, Dave Bautista. Think the mighty Drax the Destroyer is going to back down from a bucket of ice? I think not! He goes all-in with an entire tub full of cie:
Notice he calls out the movie’s director, James Gunn. Yep, he accepts the challenge too:
Gunn wants Zoe Saldana, Vin Diesel and Michael Rooker to all step up. We’ll update once their videos inevitably hit the interwebs.