What does Emma Stone think of Mary Jane Watson?

Emma Stone was simply fantastic as Gwen Stacy in Amazing Spider-Man and Amazing Spider-Man 2. So much so that I’d even suggest her chemistry with Andrew Garfeld’s Peter Parker AKa Spider-Man in both films was the stand-out highlight. Which is why it was such a shame that Marc Webb and co had to dramatically and skillfully kill her off in the last moments of the film.

Of course such was the strength of Emma Stone’s performance and such is the slightly fanatical devotion of her fans that one of the dominant theories for who will play Mary Jane Watson in future Spider-Man films is in fact Emma Stone herself, presumably she’ll swap the blonde hair-do for some redhead locks and just be allround a bit sassier and sexier. Even Andrew Garfield wants Emma Stone back for Amazing Spider-Man 3.

But what does Emma Stone think of Mary Jane Watson, would she even want to return as Spidey’s second love interest? Well, this picture of Emma Stone hosting Saturday Night Live seems to suggest that Emma Stone might be slightly against the idea.

Looks like we might not be seeing Emma Stone as MJ after all. However you guys will be able to see Emma Stone excercising her impressive pipes as Sally Bowles in the hit musical Cabaret.

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