The chain of ALS Ice Bucket Challenges between the principals from Guardians of the Galaxy hasn’t stopped with director James Gunn.
Gunn nominated three members of the movie’s cast — Zoe Saldana (Gamora), Vin Diesel (Groot) and Michael Rooker (Yondu) — before taking his icy bath for charity, and Diesel has stepped up to the plate and answered with his own video. Appropriately, he raises the stakes by challenging people to “plant a tree for Groot” along with making a donation to help fight ALS:
Diesel doesn’t keep it in the Guardians of the Galaxy family with his nominees either, nominating Michelle Obama, Angelina Jolie and … Vladimir Putin? It would definitely be interesting to see the leader of Russia answer that challenge.
In case you’re wondering, yes, Rooker accepted the challenge as well. Not only did he use ice from his own septic system due to an ongoing drought in L.A., he throws down the gauntlet to the entire cast of The Walking Dead: